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 [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk

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[RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk Empty
MessageSujet: [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk   [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk EmptyDim 29 Nov 2015 - 17:06

It was a cold windy day, but Quinlan needed to get out the Haveirson castle a little bit. It’s been a long time since he had fun in Avalon, yet his feet led him to the apparition area, and he disappeared to London. He didn’t realise it before, but he missed the noisy crowd of Diagon Alley. Even if St Mungo had been just attacked and Deatheaters had been taking advantage of the situation, people here still seemed happy, as if nothing could even harm them. He noticed the increased number of Aurors, though. Safety, traded for eyes watching everywhere, even in your private life. Quinn didn’t like it. He never held any grudge towards Aurors, he just found their massive presence here profoundly disturbing.

He quickly walked to the Leeking Cauldron and sat at the bar, ordering a Butterbeer. It wasn’t six yet, no way he would have drunk something stronger. Everybody in Haveirson knew he had a thing for alcohol, but he didn’t come to London to get wasted. He just needed some space, some air. Well, no. That wasn’t quite true.

After St Valentine’s Day, Quinn thought Clemens needed space, from him, mostly. Few days had passed and he still didn’t know how to talk to him about his german-written letter. How was he supposed to understand ? What was the point ? Letters are made to communicate, to share, except Quinlan was incapable of sharing with Clemens. Not like that. Maybe it was a way — a very, very lame one — to push him away. At least, that was how Quinn felt.

Things had been quite messy since Skyler had shown up at Haveirson too, not that it was his fault at all. The look on Clemens’ face at the Three Broomsticks after the inter-schools Quidditch game was unmistakable. Jealousy. So, perhaps, Quinlan was wrong about the Sinistros wanting to keep him away. Or maybe he was just overthinking it. Wouldn’t be a premiere.

Trying to just shut his brain down, the mediwizard took a long sip of his drink.

Dernière édition par Quinlan C. Fitzsimmons le Jeu 3 Déc 2015 - 17:11, édité 1 fois
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[RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk   [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk EmptyDim 29 Nov 2015 - 19:02

Rachel didn't go to Diagon Alley for a while. She didnt' even thought of it. She went through a difficult period. But the young girl had taken back some energy since the beginning of the month. Her friends helped her a lot. Without them she wouldn't had recovered so quickly. The death of two of her friends was very hard to stand. She thought about them often. She missed their presence. But now the Ravenclaw got over it.

On this cold afternoon of winter, she decided to go and change her ideas and buy some books for school. She got into Fleury and Botts and strolled between the shelfs. She was definitly in her universe. Rachel wanted to buy all the books but she couldn't and she already had many books at her dormitory in Hogwarts. She could pass hours reading a book without even stoping. She finally found what she came for and she added a volume for her own pleasure. Rachel went at the cash register and paid her due.

She went out and faced the cold. She shivered and cuddle up in her coat. The adolescent took the way of the Leeking Cauldron and walked quickly. The cold was getting inside her body. She hated this weather and blamed herself. Why did she had the idea to came to London by this weather. The Ravenclaw finally arrived in front of the pub and got into. She ordered a hot chocolate. Her members had to be warmed up. But as she was holding the cup of drink in her hand she bumped into someone and spill her hot chocolate on him. Rachel was completly confused.

- Sorry sir. I'm so sorry. I didn't intend to spill my drink on you. Are you alright ? May I do anything to make it up to you ?

Her words were honest and she hated herself to be so clumsy.

Dernière édition par Rachel Austin le Mer 9 Déc 2015 - 18:38, édité 2 fois
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[RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk   [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk EmptyJeu 3 Déc 2015 - 17:31

HRP - Feedback:

Well, that was awkward. Quinlan was used to get things spilled on him — Merlin, it’s been how he met Clemens… — but hot chocolate was something new. He jerked back, letting out a scream of surprise, and looked at the clumsy red-haired girl. He didn’t look angry but just tired and fed up with everything.

— That’s ok.

No, that wasn’t. Nothing was ok in his life. Everything was a bloody mess. Not that the girl was reponsible for it.

— You’re… I know you.

Yeah, but as usual, he wasn’t close to remember her name. And even if he thought he could, he couldn’t. One of his fellow tutors he named Warlock-Parking, and one guy he really appreciated at Hogwarts, Gauvain. There was nothing he could do about it. Something was deeply mess up in his brain of his, always mixing names until he thought the stupidest was the right one.

— You were there, at Hogwarts. The little talk about love and Saint-Valentine’s Day… You were quite… straight-forward in your words. Even if ‘straight’ doesn’t really apply here…

He giggled, then turned to the bartender and ordered a new hot chocolate for the poor girl.

— Here you are. How was your 14th of February, then ?

Since she was here, the least he could do was asking if his little chat session had been of any use. Sometimes, in times like these, Quinn felt utterly useless, for no particular reason.
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[RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk   [RP Anglais] Diagtown Funk EmptyMer 9 Déc 2015 - 19:31

The man didn't seem to be hungry. As she stared at him she recognised a professor from Haveirson who came at Hogwarts to do a working group about love. Rachel did find this working group quite interesting. She learnt some things about the opinions of some of her friends. She was quite chocked by their lack of open mind.

The Ravenclaw hasten to wash up the mess she did. She took out her wand and pronounced :

- Scourgify.

And that was done. All the mess was gone.

Mr. Fitzsimmons reminded of her. He admit that she was straight-forward in her words and addid a joke which make him laugh. Rachel giggled at her turn. It was a fact that the teenager recognised. She wasn't the king of people who blind her mind. She known her vice and admit them.

- Mr. Fitzsimmons ! Your working groupe was very interesting.

She was quite enthousiast to find him, but also a bit embarassed. She didn't like to bother anyone and even more a teacher.

The man behaved nicely with the sorcerer's apprentice and ordered a new hot chocolate. He was very kind and Rachel was very happy to bump into him and not another person who could have reacted violently. He asked her how was her 14th of February. Rachel remembered of the party in the castle. It was great undeniably.

- Oh ! Thank you very much. It was fantastic ! I was at the party in the castle with some studient of Haveirson and Hogwarts. You might have hear of it or maybe you where there. But I don't remember seing you. So how did it go for you ?

There was too many people for the Ravenclaw to see all the guest.
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